

The ServerChan series APIs adopt a minimalist style - you can send push notifications simply by entering a URL in your browser.

API Endpoint

API URL: https://<uid><sendkey>.send


  1. uid and sendkey can be obtained from the SendKey page
  2. uid can also be extracted from sendkey, located at sctp{uid}t..., regex pattern: /^sctp(\d+)t/
  3. The API URL can also be directly copied from the SendKey page

Request Parameters


  1. Both POST and GET are supported.
  2. When using GET, place parameters in the Query. If parameter values contain Chinese or other non-letter characters, they need to be urlencode encoded. Line breaks also need to be urlencode encoded.
  3. A simple example: https://<uid><sendkey>.send?title=<title>&desp=<desp>


When using POST, the following Content-Type are supported:

  • application/json
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • multipart/form-data

The Body should use the corresponding format.


title or textstringYesThe title of the push notification. If not provided, the content of text will be used
despstringNo*The body content of the push notification. Required if title is not provided. Supports markdown (displayed in APP)
tagsstringNoList of tags, multiple tags separated by vertical bars
shortstringNoA brief description of the push message, used to specify the content part of the message card, especially when pushing markdown content

Usage Examples

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