General Knowledge

Like the API, the SDK also adopts a minimalist style with just one function. This SDK is a compatible version that supports both and, meaning you don’t need to worry about which version the user is using - it will automatically adapt based on the key. The parameters for all languages are:

  1. sendkey
  2. title
  3. desp - Message content, supports markdown, can include external image links (please use https).
  4. options - Additional options

Additional options include:

    tags?: string; // SC3 only: List of tags, multiple tags separated by vertical bars 
    short?: string; // SC3 and SCT: Content of the message card, especially useful when desp is markdown
    noip?: 1; // SCT only: Whether to hide the calling IP, 1 for hide
    channel?: string; // SCT only: Message channels used for pushing, multiple channels separated by vertical bars
    openid?: string; // SCT only: openid for message CC, only for WeCom application messages and test account channels, multiple openids separated by commas or vertical bars

Response format definition:

    code: number; // Status code, 0 for success 
    message: string;  // Response message, corresponds to the status code
    data?: any;  // Optional return data, format differs between SCT and SC3

Below are the SDKs for various languages and their usage, click to view details

JavaScript SDK ( Both web & nodejs )


SDK Location


npm install serverchan-sdk

Usage Example

import {scSend} from 'serverchan-sdk'; 
const sendkey = '...'; // Replace with your actual Server Chan sendkey
const title = 'Test Notification';
const desp = 'This is a test message';
const response = await scSend(sendkey, title, desp, { tags: 'server-alert|report' });
console.log('Response:', response);


SDK Location


composer require easychen/serverchan-sdk

Usage Example

$ret = scSend('sendkey', 'title', 'desp', ['tags'=>'server-alert|image']);
Python SDK

Python SDK

SDK Location


pip install serverchan-sdk

Usage Example

from serverchan_sdk import sc_send
# Send message
sendkey = "..."
title = "Test Title"
desp = "This is the message content"
options = {"tags": "server-alert|image"}  # Optional parameters
response = sc_send(sendkey, title, desp, options)
Golang SDK

GoLang SDK

SDK Location


go get

Usage Example

package main
import (
func main() {
    sendkey := "your-sendkey"
    title := "Test Message"
    desp := "This is a test message"
    resp, err := serverchan_sdk.ScSend(sendkey, title, desp, nil)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Response:", resp)
Dart/Flutter SDK

Dart SDK

SDK Location

Pub Package -

This package depends on the http package


Add dependency in pubspec.yaml


Then run

dart pub get 
# or
flutter pub get

Usage Example

import 'package:serverchan_sdk/serverchan_sdk.dart';
void main() async {
  const sendkey = 'your-sendkey';
  const title = 'Test Title';
  const desp = 'This is the detailed message content';
  try {
    ScSendResponse response = await scSend(sendkey, title, desp: desp);
    print('Response Code: ${response.code}');
    print('Response Message: ${response.message}');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Error: $e');

Unsupported Languages

If your programming language is not covered, you can paste the following prompt to ChatGPT/Claude/DeepSeek/Kimi, and let AI help you write one immediately.

Please refer to the following TypeScript code and write the corresponding implementation in <xxx language>:

import fetch from 'cross-fetch';

// ScSendOptions defines optional parameters for the push function
export interface ScSendOptions {
    /** sctp only: List of tags, multiple tags separated by vertical bars */
    tags?: string;
    /** sctp and non-sctp: Brief description for the message card */
    short?: string;
    /** non-sctp: Whether to hide calling IP, 1 for hide */
    noip?: 1;
    /** non-sctp: Message channels used for pushing, multiple channels separated by vertical bars */
    channel?: string;
    /** non-sctp: openid for message CC, multiple openids separated by commas or vertical bars */
    openid?: string;

// ScSendResponse defines the response result of the push function
export interface ScSendResponse {
    /** Status code */
    code: number;
    /** Response message */
    message: string;
    /** Optional return data */
    data?: any;

// Function to call Server Chan's push service
export async function scSend(
    sendkey: string,
    title: string,
    desp: string = '',
    options: ScSendOptions = {}
): Promise<ScSendResponse> {
    const url = sendkey.startsWith('sctp') 
        ? `https://${sendkey}`